Extruded aluminum shutters, windproof shutters, security shutters, armored shutters

Which shutters to choose to protect the house from bad weather?

"Summer is ending" is not just the title of a famous Italian song; the first autumn rains are not long in coming. One begins to think of that time of year when cold, wind and hail come knocking at the door. While autumn has its charms, with falling leaves and evenings spent under a blanket, it also raises concerns for those trying to protect their homes from the pitfalls of bad weather.

When rain is no longer just "atmosphere"

Who doesn't like to listen to the rain gently tapping on the glass? It is a comforting, almost relaxing feeling. But everything changes when bad weather turns into a gale: pouring rain, gusts of wind shaking the shutters, and hail hitting hard. At such times, the priority becomes protecting yourself and your home.

Extruded aluminum shutters: your shield against bad weather

Pracal's extruded aluminum roller shutters are protective barriers against the elements. When the curtain is down, these shutters create a sturdy shield that is resistant to hail impacts and wind blows. Their strength lies in their extruded aluminum construction, which provides protection without compromising aesthetics. The individual slats are profiled with multiple aluminum sheets that are rendered in such a way that, when assembled, allow for a smooth and silent rolling up of the shutter.


Goodbye annoying noise: solutions for wind gusts

Those who live on the upper floors of a building or in wind-exposed areas know how irritating the sound of wind-shaken shutters can be . This is where the perfect accessory comes in: the GU6025 Wind Guide.

Gu 60 25, windproof guide, for shutters against bad weather
Gu6025, windproof guide, for shutters against bad weather


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Combined with the Wind Roster, the GU6025 ensures that shutters remain firmly in place even during the most violent storms. No unwanted movement, no annoying noise - just safety and peace of mind, even on the stormiest nights.

Windproof rostrum, for shutters against bad weather
Windproof rostrum, for shutters against bad weather

-> Request a free quote, click HERE

The Wind Guide, made of extruded aluminum, has a "U" shape with two fins, one of which is shorter. When combined with the Wind Brace, a sturdy screw that fits in the space between the fins, it allows the shutter to be securely fastened, preventing it from being shaken by the wind.

The shorter flap allows for smooth movement of the sheet, while the Wind Roster, coupled with GU6025, provides optimal resistance against the most intense disturbances.

Hail: the number one enemy of shutters

Investing in durable roller shutters when renovating or buying your home is a smart choice, especially if you live in an area at risk for hail or severe storms. Of all weather agents, hail is undoubtedly the most feared. Small or large, those icy grains can cause serious damage to traditional windows and shutters. But Pracal's extruded aluminum roller shutters such as the E12 and E13 models, combined with the Wind Guide and Rosters, withstand even this adversary. Their toughness makes them unbreakable, protecting the entire shading system from cracks and dents that could be very expensive to repair.

E12 extruded aluminum profile, for weather resistant shutters
E12 extruded aluminum profile, for weather resistant shutters


-> Learn more about E12 extruded aluminum roller shutter


E13 extruded aluminum profile, for weather resistant shutters
E13 extruded aluminum profile, for weather resistant shutters

-> Learn more about E13 extruded aluminum roller shutter

Before the bad weather arrives, install one of Pracal's extruded aluminum roller shutter models with the right windproof accessories for your home.
Write to contatti@pracal.com and request a free consultation.