Insulated aluminum shutter for the best thermal insulation

What are the best insulating shutters?

Fall is just around the corner. The days are getting shorter, the cold weather is starting to set in, and, inevitably, we find ourselves keeping our windows closed for longer and longer periods of time. This means you'll soon face the usual problems: condensation, mold, temperature changes, and high energy costs to keep the home's interior warm.

Insulated aluminum roller shutters: stop complicating your life

Let's make one thing clear right away: not all shutters are the same. Insulated aluminum shutters are not just a gimmick for fall, but a real defense against the problems that plague those who want to keep their homes warm without suffocating them. Eco-friendly polyurethane foam insulation, available in two variants-highand medium density-offersa significant advantage over shutters without insulation. But how?

  • The temperature inside the house remains stable,
  • Temperature changes are greatly reduced,
  • Solve moisture problems.

Condensation, mold, allergies: stuff you don't want to see

Shutting everything down, blocking ventilation in the house is not a great strategy. We all know it: little air circulation inevitably leads to condensation and mold. And that's when you discover you've overlooked a crucial detail. Pracal's insulated aluminum shutters, when combined with good home insulation, ensure that these little threats don't turn into a nightmare. No more thermal bridging, no more condensation, no more mold. They simply work.

Insulated aluminum shutter for the best thermal insulation


Insulated aluminum shutter for the best thermal insulation



-> Learn about aluminum insulated roller shutters

The luxury of air circulation

Are you out all day but like the idea of coming back to an airy house? Perfect, there's Ariel. This model allows 60 percent more air circulation with the shutter down. It is an ideal choice for those who prefer to keep their home ventilated without sacrificing security.

Ariel, insulated aluminum shutter for the best thermal insulation
Ariel, insulated aluminum shutter for the best thermal insulation


->Discover Ariel, the wide-slit shutter made of insulated aluminum

Energy efficiency and concrete savings

With aluminum insulated shutters, you save on heating costs. But unlike other solutions, it's not just about reducing utility bills. It's about real efficiency, seeing results, without compromise.

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